The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) recently celebrated five years of C-Stat, its performance management and leadership strategy and one of the leading examples in the U.S. of data-informed decision making in human services. Through C-Stat, CDHS reviews about 100 measures each month. Two-thirds of those measures have maintained or beat their goals set in […]

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The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) recently celebrated five years of C-Stat, its performance management and leadership strategy and one of the leading examples in the U.S. of data-informed decision making in human services. Through C-Stat, CDHS reviews about 100 measures each month. Two-thirds of those measures have maintained or beat their goals set in the C-Stat process. As Executive Director Reggie Bicha (@reggiebicha) has noted, “We can see in real time when something goes wrong — and we’re committed to fixing it.”

To get a C-Stat update, we are joined by Reggie Bicha, who has led CDHS since being appointed by Governor John Hickenlooper in 2011. Prior to his current role, he was the Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families under Governor Jim Doyle — the first person to hold that title in the newly created department.

Related interviews:  Ki’i Powell, then-Performance Management Director at CDHS, spoke in detail about the C-Stat process in her 2014 podcast interview. [click here] Also, Reggie Bicha spoke about KidsStat at the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families in his 2013 podcast interview. [click here]

The post Insights from C-Stat in Colorado at year 5: An interview with Reggie Bicha, Executive Director, Colorado Department of Human Services – Episode #154 appeared first on Gov Innovator Podcast.

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