This interview was recorded for the GOTO Book Club.

Read the full transcription of the interview here

Titus Winters - Principal Software Engineer at Google and Co-Curator of "Software Engineering at Google"
Matt Kulukundis - Senior Staff Software Engineer at Google

What’s the difference between programming and software engineering?
Join Titus Winters, co-curator of “Software Engineering at Google”, and Matt Kulukundis while they approach the lessons learned by software engineering teams at Google in establishing the right practices for writing sustainable code in a safe environment. Discover what Google is still trying to improve on and what software decisions are difficult to undo.

The interview is based on Titus' co-curated book "Software Engineering at Google"

Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck & Hyrum Wright • Software Engineering at Google
Forsgren, Humble & Kim • Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps
George Fairbanks • Just Enough Software Architecture
Fred Brooks Jr. • The Mythical Man-Month
Kim Scott • Just Work
Douglas R. Hofstadter • Gödel, Escher, Bach
Douglas R. Hofstadter • I Am a Strange Loop
Alasdair MacIntyre • After Virtue
N. K. Jemisin • The Fifth Season
Becky Chambers • Wayfarers Series
Ken Liu • The Dandelion Dynasty
David Farley • Modern Software Engineering
Martin Kleppmann • Designing Data-Intensive Applications
Zhamak Dehghani • Data Mesh


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