4-5-2016 Tonight is an interesting night. Many years ago, back in the Sands of Time (like, the 90's), when the meadery landscape was but sparsely populated, I stumbled across this mead. A blueberry mead, like liquid summer sky in a bottle, and it was Good. Hell, it was amazing. You could say it helped launch GotMead, because it made me realize that mead could be awesome. It was White Winter Winery Blueberry Melomel.

That blueberry mead helped me survive my first Thanksgiving with my mother-in-law (a wonderful woman, but who is an amazing cook, so no pressure). The turkey was amazing, and I was more than a little happy (that is another story).

Jon and Kim Hamilton have been making mead since the 90's, and it's good stuff. And now they're expanding into cider and spirits. And they're doing an amazing job, and having a great time doing it.

NEW this episode and going forward, AJ brings to you 'Making Good Mead: Back to Basics'. We're going to roll back to your meadmaking roots, and talk mead from the ground up, for great, repeatable mead making habits that will produce great mead.

Bring your questions and your mead, and let's talk mead!


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What we were drinking:

AJ - Raspberry wine
Vicky - St. Ambrose Meadery “Razzmatazz”
Jon - White Winter Honey and Black Mead Spirits, to be released this summer July 2 party

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