2-18-20 Tonight at 9PM ET GotMead Live will be talking with Marina Marchese, the Honey Sommelier. Marina will be speaking at MeadCon 2020 this year, talking about honey sensory analysis and dong a live honey tasting.

Carla Marina Marchese is a member of the Italian National Register of Experts in the Sensory Analysis of Honey, where she received her formal training as a honey sensory expert. Her book, The Honey Connoisseur co-authored with Kim Flottum (editor of Bee Culture Magazine) parallels the concept of terroir to single - origin honey directly matching floral sources to flavors and conceived the first U.S. honey aroma and flavor wheel. In 2011, Marina established The American Honey Tasting Society as the resource for honey sensory education in the United States. An apiculturist, Marina has also successfully completed the Charles Mraz Apitherapy Course, twice,  achieving a deep understanding of products of the beehive and their applications to health and healing. 

An avid world traveler, Marina has had the opportunity to taste hundreds of new and old world honeys maintaining an impressive private library of honey samples. Most of Marina's work today is consulting for culinary professionals as well as sourcing rare, exotic and exquisite honeys for some of the finest chefs around the country. She is available to create and style honey menus and events or lead guided sensory educational courses for those who would like to train their senses to identify flavors, floral sources, crystallization and defects in honey.

Join us on the live chat and don't be afraid to call in if you want to!

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If you want to ask your mead making questions, you can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323) or send us a question via email, or via Twitter @GotmeadNow and we'll tackle it online! 9PM EDT/6PM PDT Join us on live chat during the show Bring your questions and your mead, and let's talk mead! You can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323), or Skype us at meadwench (please friend me first and say you're a listener, I get tons of Skype spam), or tweet to @gotmeadnow.

Coming up:

Feb 25 - Roger Wanner and Joe Abruzzo - WA MeadWerks - Start Up on a Shoestring
March 3 - TBA
March 10, 17 and 24th off for MeadCon final prep, the event, and recovery (I'll have no voice)

Show links and notes

Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental Beekeeper by C. Marina Marchese
The Honey Connoisseur by C. Marina Marchese and Kim Flottum
National Honey Board Mead Crafter Compeitition
Penn Herb Co
San Francisco Herbs
Wellcome Mead: 105 Mead Recipes from the 17th and 18th Century English Receipt Books at the Wellcome Library by Laura Angotti
Cider and Perry in Britain to 1700: A Collection of Material from Primary and Selected Secondary Sources by Laura Angotti
Let There Be Melomels by Rob Ratliff
The Big Book of Mead Recipes by Rob Ratliff

Upcoming Events

February 22 - Strad Meadery, Cordoba, CA - Paint and Sip class
February 23 - Threadbare Cider and Mead, Pittsburgh, PA - Koji and Tempeh Master Class
February 23 - Washington Mead and Cider Cup Deadline
February 28 - Fifth Annual Michigan Nordic Fire Festival and Mead Hall - Charlotte, MI
February 29 - Brimming Horn Meadery, Milton, DE - Mead, Cider and Fruit Wine pairing with Girl Scout cookies
March 7 - Kvlt Mead, Tacoma, WA - One Year Anniversary
March 7 - Brimming Horn Meadery, Milton, DE - Bastion's Wake with Matt Barlow and Freddie Vidales
March 11-12 - Ancient Fire Mead & Cider, Manchester, NH - 2nd Birthday Celebration
March 13 - Grimsby Hollow Meadery, Middleville, MI - Zachary Craft, music
March 17 - MeadCon Meadery Open Houses at Queen Bee Meadery (Denver) and Honnibrook Meadery (Ca...