1-14-2020 Tonight at 9PM EST we're kicking off our featuring of speakers at MeadCon, and opening with Sergio Moutela, owner of Melovino Meadery and the president of the AMMA.

Sergio opened Melovino just over 5 years ago, and during that time he's learned a ton about operating a meadery, making better mead and what people like in a mead. He's wrangled with his state to allow meaderies to even exist, and juggled the need for space to expand with the reality of how hard it can be to find an ideal location for the meadery.

He's also been very active in working on growing the AMMA and what it can do to help the mead community, both home and professional.

Sergio is speaking at MeadCon 2020 (get your tickets, hotel and see the schedule there!), his talk is 'What I've Learned in Five Years'. We're going to delve into various issues with running a meadery, tease you on some of what he'll be talking about, and dig into some of the other things facing a meadmaker going pro.

We'll also be talking about his collaborations, one of with is with yours truly, and exploring different mead styles. And we'll likely talk pyments as well, Sergio loves them!

Join us on the live chat and don't be afraid to call in if you want to!

This player will show the most recent show, and when we're live, will play the live feed. If you are calling in, please turn off the player sound, so we don't get feedback.[break] [break]Click here to see a playable list of all our episodes!

If you want to ask your mead making questions, you can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323) or send us a question via email, or via Twitter @GotmeadNow and we'll tackle it online! 9PM EDT/6PM PDT Join us on live chat during the show Bring your questions and your mead, and let's talk mead! You can call us at 803-443-MEAD (6323), or Skype us at meadwench (please friend me first and say you're a listener, I get tons of Skype spam), or tweet to @gotmeadnow.

Coming up:

January 21 - Tony Qualls - Big Berry Melomels
January 28 - Laura Angotti (keynote at MeadCon) - Mead and Historical Recipes
February 4 - Keith Seitz - National Honey Board
February 18 - Marina Marchese - Honey Sommelier

Show links and notes

Walkers Wine Juice
Tavelon Tea
Winestix oak sticks
Wine Folly Master Guide
Scott Labs 2019 Yeast Book
Scott Labs searchable yeast selection
Let There Be Melomels by Rob Ratliff
The Big Book of Mead Recipes by Rob Ratliff
Are You Afraid of the Rum: And Other Cocktails for 90's Kids by Sam Slaughter

Upcoming Guests
We'll be posting the upcoming schedule here as we get guests set up!
Upcoming Events

January 16 - Brothers Drake Meadery, Columbus, OH - Ecology on Tap: Disease and Vector Biology
January 19 - Beecraft Mead Company, Dawsonville, GA - Make Your Own Sweet Mead
January 22 - Bos Meadery, Madison, WI - Beer and Mead Pairing Event with Giant Jones Brewing
January 25 - Starrlight Mead, Pittsboro, NC - Namaste Meadieval - Yoga and Mead
January 25 - Chubby Cheeks Meadery, Temecula, CA - Meaditation and Yoga
January 25 - Threadbare Cider and Mead, Pittsburgh, PA - Adopt a Bunny event
February 1 - Chubby Cheeks Meadery, Temecula, CA - Mead Making Workshop
February 7 - Haley's Honey Meadery, Hopewell, VA - Junior Wilson Live
February 7-9 - Earle Estates Meadery, Seneca Lake area, NY - Chocolate and Wine tour
February 9 - Grimsby Hollow Meadery, Middleville, MI - Drink Mead Learn Things - Open Dungeons and Dragons
February 15 - Meduseld Meadery, Lancaster, PA - Rose and Shamrock Festival
February 15 - Meadery Bus Tour, Detroit, MI - visiting Schramm's Mead, B.Nektar Mead and Kuhnhenn Brewery and Meadery
February 22 - Strad Meadery, Cordoba, CA - Paint and Sip class
February 23 - Threadbare Cider and Mead, Pittsburgh, PA - Koji and Tempeh Master Class
March 17 - MeadCon Meadery Open Houses at Queen Bee Meadery (Denver) and Honnibrook Meadery (Castle Rock)