Mother's Day can be a day where moms feel loved and celebrated, but it can also be a day (or month) that isn't easy for every mom.

I want to acknowledge that Mother’s Day and the month of May can bring up complicated emotions and challenging memories for some moms.

I feel so grateful and humbled, and totally unprepared or qualified for most of what motherhood brings.

But motherhood and being a mother figure isn't always rainbows and tulips.

I don’t want to overlook the sometimes difficult paths and parts of motherhood. Because sharing those tough stories connects us.

It comforts us.

It reassures us and encourages us to fully embrace who we are. To know that there are others who are experiencing similar situations and emotions.

And feeling seen and understood is important. You need to know that your story, your journey, is worthy and your challenges can be used to help others.

The hard and painful things you go through can help another mom. Your compassion and encouragement may be exactly what she needs to move forward and thrive as a mother.

I talk about:

What this particular Mother's Day means to me What I hope changes before my daughter becomes a mom Celebrating all kinds of moms (bio moms, bonus moms, foster & adoption moms, those waiting to be moms, moms who have endured postpartum mental health disorders, etc.) The importance of sharing your motherhood story

For show notes and resources mentioned: