I’m continuing the theme of "less-talked-about motherhood topics" for the month of May this week.

Not only to celebrate all mothers' stories but to hopefully lessen the stigma of some topics and help create a safe space for all mothers to feel loved and worthy, no matter where their motherhood journey takes them.

My guest for this week is Kristina Dulaney.

Kristina lives in Northeast Tennessee with her husband and two young girls. Just over four years ago, she experienced the rarest of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders - Postpartum psychosis.

She is the co-founder of the Appalachian Perinatal Mental Health Alliance, an alliance formed under the Postpartum Support International. And she founded the nonprofit organization Cherished Mom that's focused on changing the educational landscape around Perinatal Mental Health.

We talk about:

Her powerful story of going through postpartum psychosis Why we likely don’t hear more stories about postpartum psychosis How she is now using her story to help other mothers What she hopes changes about perinatal mental health and postpartum care in the future How we can all help to create the change that is so obviously needed in perinatal mental health care

Connect with Kristina:

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/kristinadulaney and https://www.instagram.com/cherishedmomorg

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/cherishedmomorg

Cherished Mom website - www.cherishedmom.org


For show notes and resources mentioned: http://www.gotchamama.com

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