Johnny and Alex discuss episode 5 of season 2 of "Game of Thrones," "The Ghost of Harrenhal" along with the corresponding chapters of A Clash of Kings. Spoilers ALL. Not much plot movement here (aside from Renly's untimely demise), but plenty of discovery. Arya finds out she can Postmate murder, Theon realizes that his new crew feels the same way about him that his family does, Tyrion figures out Cersei's entire defensive strategy is a giant Molotov cocktail (and he's not mad at it), and Dany Paris Hiltons all over Qarth, but learns of Bobby B's death between cocktails. Time to invade Westeros now that her dragons can ALMOST cook a cube of meat.

Oh, and Beyond the Wall, the audience finds out that Chuck Norris moved to Westeros, and he goes by the name of Quorin fucking Halfhand.  

Aside from Renly's death, this episode was an honest to goodness barrel of laughs, so we went a little long.. If you're reading along with us, here's a handy guide to help you follow along, since season 2 doesn't follow ACOC quite as neatly as season 1 followed GoT.. 

Joining us late? Just want to listen us without getting emotionally gutted a second time by re-experiencing the Red Wedding? We recap the episode play-by-play in the podcast, but you can find chapter summaries here if you want to enjoy our book-to-show comparisons more.

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