Hey all you hotdoggers and beach bunnies! On this super boss summer edition of Got…

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Hey all you hotdoggers and beach bunnies! On this super boss summer edition of Got Me A Movie, we’re talking about a couple of the coolest, corniest, and all-around funnest beach movies there are: 1987’s Back to the Beach and 2000’s Psycho Beach Party.

Admittedly, this episode is a bit nostalgia-based. Personally, I love all those American International beach party movies from the late 60s – as silly as they are, they’re mostly a good time. Their nonsensical look at American youth culture at the time is oddly comforting; it’s like a big picnic basket full of hotdogs and Sentimentality Soda. But what’s interesting about the beach party flicks is that most of them have a theme that is unequivocally American: how do we justify working a soul-sucking job only to make money, when we could throw that all out the window and thrive in the soul-freeing life of a surfer? Hear what we have to say about that in the episode!

We also touch on the differences between camp and kitsch, as these two movies are prime examples of the former. Back to the Beach is a meta look back at those AIP releases, parodying Frankie and Annette while actually starring Frankie and Annette. And Psycho Beach Party is playwright Charles Busch’s perfect nod to the beach party flick, along with the Hollywood Hag (aka psycho-biddy) films of the past.

So please join us at the drive-in on this hot July evening, as we scarf down corndogs and nachos, and settle in for this fine double feature full of silly summer fun!

The post GOT ME A MOVIE Episode 04: Back to the Psycho Beach Party appeared first on Cinepunx.