Hi - Welcome to Got A Phing? I’m Mei Phing, the founder of Got A Phing and a passionate advocate of youth leadership. 

In today's podcast, I want to talk about why you should speak up and be heard. Welcome to day 4 of my 5-day 5-part 'Introverts Unite' series. If you haven't caught the other days, do follow my podcast! 

The ability to speak up and be heard pays massive dividends in your career, business or in life. Yes, I know you're an introvert and you think best and you work best when you're alone. 

The thing is - when we are actually at work, whether it's in our corporate job or you're an entrepreneur, at the end of the day you are working with other people. So, you'll be spending time with people, either working together as part of a team, a collaboration on a project or even correspondences. 

So, if you stick to the typical introvert's way of doing things which is doing things quietly on the sidelines, doing things on your own, never volunteering, always waiting to the called, waiting for instructions, and just generally waiting for something to happen etc. Then, don't be surprised when later on come feedback time, performance reviews and promotions, you then realise that you're not getting ahead.  

Because, if you're not communicating, you don't exist.  

⚡Ask me about my 'P.H.I.N.G' coaching method!

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