Hi - Welcome to Got A Phing? In today's podcast, I want to talk about what you need to know about career growth. Is career growth really about job-hunting? Is it your first job? Is it the performance reviews that you do every year in your current job? 

Career growth is a very big word and different people have different interpretations on what that means. Personally, I have spent 11 years in the corporate world climbing higher and higher - year on year. This is a very common question that I get asked by my community, clients and many other people - How did you move up the corporate ladder so quickly? **Check out EP30**

In this episode, I want to share how you can take charge of your career growth. This is something really important - YOU. Your career growth is in your hands! It's not about relying on your manager or boss to think of a good role/job for you or your progression. 

It's you needing to decide where do you see yourself in the next 5-10 years and take steps to move towards that. This is a common question asked in interviews, and most of the time people give it fluffy answers or rehearsed interview answers. This is actually a very important question that you need to ask yourself every year.

At the end of the day, career growth strategy/ career development/ career management is a must because without direction, you will get nowhere. 

** To learn more about what I do, connect with me⤵ **

► Website: https://www.meiphing.com

► Email: [email protected]

► LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/meiphing

► More Links: https://www.linktr.ee/meiphing