Hi - Welcome to Got A Phing? In today's podcast, I want to talk about my signature P.H.I.N.G method that I use for coaching young executives and entrepreneurs. It is definitely the game-changing approach you need to know to become a high-performing young leader. Over the next 5 days, I will be going into each part of P.H.I.N.G - Personality, Hacker, Ideas, Navigate and Go-Getter, so that you can get a bit more insights as to this coaching model that I use for clients that work with me.

So, the P.H.I.N.G method - today we are only going to focus on the final part [G]o-Getter and why taking action is important. 

Have you ever gone around and hear people talking about what they are going to do? They are just busy sharing about all these awesome things that they are going to do - going to do this - going to do that. They have plans for this-that-abc-def. 

But, do you see them doing anything at all? Do you see them taking action?  Or this could be you. Do you have this kind of behaviour where it is just all talk, no action? 

So, today I'm here to tell you that the most important part of moving towards success and achieving your goals is taking consistent actions forward!

p/s Get your free P.H.I.N.G method guide on my website - www.GotAPhing.com !

⚡Ask me about my 'P.H.I.N.G' coaching method!

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