Hi - Welcome to Got A Phing? In today's podcast, I want to talk about why you should pace your chatty-chatter, and not go on and on and on, as an extrovert. Welcome to day 4 of my 5-day 5-part 'Extroverts Connect' series. I'm so happy to have you here again with me today! 

As extroverts, you guys are extremely enthusiastic, always very inspired by interesting topics, people and experiences - that all is great. I have a lot of extrovert friends and I always find it very amazing that they are always so enthusiastic and so high energy.  

What I really want to talk about today is sometimes, the flip side of having so high energy and being so highly extroverted is that you will just go on and on and on when you speak - just because you really want to connect with the other person.  

Something that you would really want to take note of is whether you are pacing out your conversation. 

And, not bombarding the other person with all sorts of information and every single thing that you have on your mind.  

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