Many people dream about moving to New York City, few actually do it, and most would never dare to do so during a pandemic.

My guest Brandon Valadez did the unthinkable and moved to New York City in the midst of the biggest crises to date to hit the city. As many continue to flee and exit the Empire State, my guest Brandon see’s a big OPPORTUNITY.

If he can make it in New York during this time, he’ll be golden when NYC comes back to the NEW, New York!

In our interview Brandon dives deeper into why he moved to New York City and the career dream that brought him here. He shares his love of the city and his perspective on the city pre-Covid and also how he envisions it post-Covid, plus tips on how to make the move to NYC from another state. We talk New York block parties, riding the subway, and advice any newcomer or New Yorker will be sure to appreciate. Be sure to tune in!

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New York Renting Apps mentioned:
Spare Room 

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