I've been married long enough to know that when I get that look from my wife, without her saying a word, she is saying, "are you really going out looking like that?"

I think I look just fine, but I know if I'm going to leave the house I'm going to have to at least change the shirt that I'm wearing, especially if I'm going somewhere with her! 

As Christians, we can become really comfortable with our casual Christian walk and lifestyle, but the Holy Spirit is saying, "are you really going to represent Me in the world you are living in looking like that?"

There are two main outfits (if I can use this analogy) that we can put on as Christians. We can put on the righteousness of Christ, that He has given to us through His finished work on the cross, or we can put on our self-righteousness, as we continue attempting to prove we are okay and acceptable to God.

To us, they can appear indistinguishable, but to God, they are so far apart. Let's discover what the Word of God has to say about these two outfits, and how we can tell which one we have on.