TEXT: Matthew 12:1-8

Third, Jesus gave an example from the prophets to show God’s true desire. In Matthew 12:7, Jesus says, “But if ye had known what this meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.” Jesus is quoting Hosea 6:6 here, which reads, “For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.” This is not the only time that Jesus quotes this verse to the Pharisees. He also does in Matthew 9:13, where he also states “for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Matthew Henry said, “Ceremonial duties must give way to moral, and the natural, royal law of love and self-preservation must take place of ritual observances. The rest of the sabbath was ordained for man's good, in favour of the body.. Now no law must be construed so as to contradict its own end. If you had known what this means, had known what it is to be of a merciful disposition, you would have been sorry that they were forced to do this to satisfy their hunger, and would not have condemned the guiltless. Note, First, Ignorance is the cause of our rash and uncharitable censures of our brethren. Secondly, It is not enough for us to know the scriptures, but we must labour to know the meaning of them. Let him that readeth understand. Thirdly, Ignorance of the meaning of the scripture is especially shameful in those who take upon them to teach others.” The sacrifices that the Jews were ordered to make were important and not to be ignored. The “sacrifices” that Christians are ordered to make in obedience to God are also required. But God doesn’t want your sacrifices if you aren’t doing it with obedience in your heart. He wants us to treat our fellow men with mercy in our hearts just as God shows mercy to us in sacrificing His Son. If we must break a religious tradition in order to show God’s mercy to someone who needs it, God not only allows it, but prefers it.