TEXT: James 5:13-18

First of all, we must pray in all circumstances. James 5:13 says, “Is any among you afflicted? let him pray. Is any merry? let him sing psalms.” For both the suffering and the cheerful, James gives essentially the same advice: take it to the Lord in prayer. When you are in times of affliction, whether mental and spiritual struggles, physical maladies, or tough circumstances, pour out your heart before good. When you feel happy and when things are going well for you, go to God and praise Him. Matthew Henry said, “Our condition in this world is various; and our wisdom is to submit to its being so, and to behave as becomes us both in prosperity and under affliction. Sometimes we are in sadness, sometimes in mirth; God has set these one over against the other that we may the better observe the several duties he enjoins, and that the impressions made on our passions and affections may be rendered serviceable to our devotions. Afflictions should put us upon prayer, and prosperity should make us abound in praise. Not that prayer is to be confined to a time of trouble, nor singing to a time of mirth; but these several duties may be performed with special advantage, and to the happiest purposes, at such seasons. In a day of affliction nothing is more seasonable than prayer. The person afflicted must pray himself, as well as engage the prayers of others for him. Times of affliction should be praying times. To this end God sends afflictions, that we may be engaged to seek him early; and that those who at other times have neglected him may be brought to enquire after him. The spirit is then most humble, the heart is broken and tender; and prayer is most acceptable to God when it comes from a contrite humble spirit. Afflictions naturally draw out complaints; and to whom should we complain but to God in prayer? It is necessary to exercise faith and hope under afflictions; and prayer is the appointed means both for obtaining and increasing these graces in us. Is any afflicted? Let him pray. In a day of mirth and prosperity singing psalms is very proper and seasonable. The singing of psalms is a gospel ordinance, and that our joy should be holy joy, consecrated to God. Singing is so directed to here as to show that, if any be in circumstances of mirth and prosperity, he should turn his mirth, though alone, and by himself, in this channel. Holy mirth becomes families and retirements, as well as public assemblies. Let our singing be such as to make melody with our hearts unto the Lord, and God will assuredly be well pleased with this kind of devotion.” The afflicted should give up prayers to God, which the joyful should also offer up prayers of praise to God. Regardless of your circumstances, you should go to the Lord, in prayer or in praise.