Previous Episode: Four Miracles One Master
Next Episode: The Call of Discipleship

Luke 9:1-20 - Speaker: Lukus Counterman - In Luke 9, Jesus completes his Galilean ministry by sending out his disciples on a mission of preaching and healing. They cast out demons, heal the sick, and proclaim the good news of the Kingdom. But they don’t do it in their own strength. Power and authority for ministry always comes from Christ. Well, the disciples serve, and they come back on empty, only to encounter more neediness. But it’s through overwhelming circumstances that Jesus teaches them how he is sufficient for all our needs. When we are hungry, he is the bread of life. These lessons come together in a climactic event where Jesus asks his disciples “Who do you say that I am?” Getting Jesus’ identity right is perhaps the most important thing in life. Who is Jesus? Well, as we discover from our text, he is the promised Messiah, the Son of God. May the Lord strengthen our hearts as we study his word together.