Key Ideas

We’ve always struggled with the temptation to transcend our limits, but technology gives us new opportunities.
We need to live in reality, appreciate the ordinary, and find glory in the present moment. No more chasing constant "mountaintop experiences."
Living in the here and now means glorifying God in our current circumstances and surroundings.
Slowing down and finding rest amidst the chaos of our hyperconnected world is essential for our well-being and productivity.
Remember, God is always present with us, even in the midst of the most challenging times or seasons of life.

We all have an idea in our minds of how we think life should go, and then real life happens.

“We’ve only tasted the entree, the hors d'oeuvres of the fullness of life in God. We have the fullness of that life yet to come as the Kingdom of God breaks into this world, as the new creation becomes a new permanent reality.”

“You're not awesome. You're loved, and that's awesome.”

“While we should absolutely pray for and enjoy such mountaintop experiences with God, we need to, as pastors, we need to teach our people of the glory of the ordinary, the glory of plodding, the joy of simply being attentive to the life, the relationships, the geographic spaces that we inhabit, and to go, What does it look like to glorify God here in this space?”

“The one thing that we owe absolutely to God is never to be afraid of anything.” (Charles de Foucauld)

Liberti Church
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Faithfully Present: Embracing the Limits of Where and When God Has You
Truth on Fire: Gazing at God Until Your Heart Sings by Adam Ramsey
The Imperfect Pastor by Zach Eswine
Principles: Life and Work by Ray Dalio
Honor: Loving Your Church by Building One Another Up by Adam Ramsey

Read the full show notes (including a transcript) at