The glory of the Lord is called the Shekinah in Hebrew. This is a curious word. It means God’s dwelling as in His resting. True to our eastern studies, it is a feminine word.
One of the saddest days in Israel was the day that the Shekinah left Solomon’s Temple. It had come and rested upon the Holy House once it was dedicated by Solomon. Witnesses who saw it, while it was there, say that it caused the Temple to literally glow both day and night. In modern temples of the Restoration, we light up the outside of them artificially in remembrance that once the Shekinah dwelt with man, and the Temple is still the House of the Lord’s Light.

We are happy to announce that Vol. H in the Gospel Feast Series, "Esther, Something Hidden, Something Revealed" is now available on Amazon.

Ready for some meat after all the milk? The Gospel Feast Series is available here in 20+ volumes. It's time to Feast on the Word of God!

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