It's "The Last Heist!" Our gang of youngsters has an expert plan to steal the new Pokémon game and make tons of money. What could get in their way? Will it be their English teacher, obsessed with Shakespeare, the rapper? The changing landscape of Hot Topic? Or maybe their "lackey"—the weird 35-year-old man who hangs out with this band of youth criminals and has a mysterious, skeleton-filled past? And do you need a mnemonic to remember that? Find out in this very funny episode featuring some luminaries from the portland comedy scene!

We're playing the playset "The Last Heist" by Steve Segedy & Jason Morningstar! Get that:

Check out our players this week:

Ben Coleman (@ohcoleman)

Lewis Sequiera (@sequeiraspace)

Richard Malena (@rmalena)

Angela M Webber (@angelamwebber)

See us live on the JocoCruise and other places! Schedule:

Get the game, Fiasco (, from Bully Pulpit Games

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