“If you’re running two systems, you’re running that second system for the lowest common denominator - the people who are slow to change… I don’t make a lot of time for the lowest common denominator - I just go for it.”

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In this episode, Graham Robins shares how he juggles being CEO, a podcast host, computer nerd, lifelong learner, YPO participant, father of four, wake surfer, and car enthusiast - and how he dove head-in with Google Workspace to help focus resources on adding value for customers.


The importance of IT departments and how Google Workspace helps scale down and streamline the technical needs and processes of a company to make them more effective.

Graham's early Google Workspace experiences, including how Gmail was one of the first Google apps that opened his eyes to the Google ecosystem's potential and convinced him to make the switch over.

The difficulties of retaining old systems when attempting to implement Google Workspace. He concentrates in particular on the resistance that will be faced from within the organization and how to cope with it in order to get people to unite behind and commit to the transition.

Plus, Graham opens his Google Workspace toolkit and shares some of his favourite tips, tricks and add-ons.

Full Show Notes:


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