Cloud Dataflow and its OSS counterpart Apache Beam are amazing tools for Big Data. So today your co-hosts Francesc and Mark interview Frances Perry, the Tech Lead and PMC for those projects, to join us and tell us more about it.

About Frances Perry

Frances Perry is a software engineer who likes to make big data processing easy, intuitive, and efficient. After many years working on Google’s internal data processing stack, she joined the Cloud Dataflow team to make this technology available to external cloud customers. She led the early work on Dataflow’s unified batch/streaming programming model and is now on the PMC for Apache Beam.

Cool things of the week Rewriting Medium App Engine users, now you can configure custom domains from the API or CLI announcement Join the gRPC/Istio community day June 26th at Google Sunnyvale twitter Interview Cloud Dataflow homepage Apache Beam homepage Java SDK Quickstart docs Python SDK Quickstart docs Cloud Dataflow, Apache Beam and you announcement Question of the week

How can I connect all the instances in a Managed Instance Group to CloudSQL securely?

Connecting MySQL Client from Compute Engine About the Cloud SQL Proxy CloudSQL Proxy GitHub repo Where can you find us next?

Francesc just released a new #justforfunc episode where he explains how to use cgo.

He will be running a workshop at QCon New York on Go tooling based on this video, after that he’ll be at GopherCon in Denver!

Mark is still on vacation - but don’t worry, he’ll be back soon!

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