In this episode we talk about kicking your characters when they are down, why mediocre movies are important, and optimism. We also talk about the "racial Bechdel test", which we both forgot is called the DuVernay test, after Ava DuVernay, the director of this very movie!

In this episode we talk about kicking your characters when they are down, why mediocre movies are important, and optimism. We also talk about the “racial Bechdel test”, which we both forgot is called the DuVernay test, after Ava DuVernay, the director of this very movie!

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We have a feeling that our opinions on this one may be unpopular. Want to talk to us about them? Or about A Wrinkle in Time in general? Or about any of the movies we’ve talked about on WTS? We’d love to hear from you! You can send us a message over Twitter, or by email at waytooseriouslycast at, or in our subreddit or on Facebook, or on instagram!

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