Scott McCloud joins the show to talk about his new book, Sculpture, movies he’s enjoyed lately, his upcoming book on visual communications, presentation styles, old media vs. new media, and how comic book writing and design has changed.

Scott McCloud joins the show to talk about his new book, Sculpture, movies he’s enjoyed lately, his upcoming book on visual communications, presentation styles, old media vs. new media, and how comic book writing and design has changed.

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Christopher Schmitt
Christopher Schmitt on Twitter
The​ ​Sculptor
The​ ​New​ ​York​ ​Times​ ​Sunday​ ​Book​ ​Review of The​ ​Sculptor
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Does​ ​the​ Dog​ Die?
Fantastic​ ​Fest
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Tim​ ​and​ ​Karrie​ League​ ​at Fast Company
Nymphomaniac​: ​Vol. 1 Featurette
The​ ​Blackcoat’s​ ​Daughter​ ​a.k.a. February, original​ ​title at ​IMDb
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The Blackcoat’s​ Daughter​ Teaser ​Trailer​
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Edward​ ​Tufte
Edward​ ​Tufte​ ​at ​Yale’s Department​ ​of​ ​Political​ ​Science
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