Laura Kalbag is a designer from the UK. She’s one-third of, a tiny social enterprise working for social justice in the digital age. At, Laura works on a web privacy tool called Better. Her first book, *Accessibility for Everyone*, is published by A Book Apart.

Laura Kalbag is a designer from the UK. She’s one-third of, a tiny social enterprise working for social justice in the digital age. At, Laura works on a web privacy tool called Better. Her first book, Accessibility for Everyone, is published by A Book Apart.

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Time Jumps

2:30 How’d the idea for your book come about?
4:25 Is it an introduction to accessibility?
6:50 It’s more than just good HTML and CSS on websites.
11:00 Any techniques for convincing a team or manager to push for accessibility?
12:30 Diversity helps us understand that people use the web differently than us.
15:34 What other ways do people use the web?
18:40 Accessibility can be expensive but there are so many things you can do that are free.
20:38 Learning HTML better is a basic way to help accessibility.
21:48 A number of sites that rely on Javascript to click a link.
24:10 Websites taking over the browser scroll bar.
25:10 CSS is so easy to style elements like website buttons.
27:20 What services and tools are out there to help people with accessibility testing?
29:25 In order to have good UX, you need to have good accessibility.


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