Absolutely destroying my teeth on a caramel apple.

Absolutely destroying my teeth on a caramel apple.

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Andrew, don’t read this

How’s Andrew’s chair?

It’s apple season, bunch
Pasta Update

From Pan to Plate

Stop saying fermenting when you mean fomenting challenge 2020

Brain Genius Scott Adams




Targeted Harassment As A Service

Everything they accuse us of, they’re already doing

Ad: The Obama Foundation

At the Obama Foundation, we strive to redirect workers’ fury away from labor action or protest and into productive action such as Social Media Influencing, GOTV, & raising awareness through mobilizing awareness.

RBG: Nothing matters

No outcome of a fight to hold the seat open, no outcome of the election, will materially affect the most serious threat to our future: climate change
Tactical framing has poisoned our minds
We could talk about what the Democrats could do to try to win this election, or how they will likely win power eventually, but none of it will matter, because neither party is paying any attention to the oncoming catastrophe
Climate change is still seen as a long-term threat. But it’s near term.
Also: why focusing on RGB is detrimental.

The parasocial trap is real: it makes you feel more emotionally connected to a Supreme Court justice than the actual people living next door to you; than the workers delivering your door dash; than the millions of people suffering under capitalism.


Nature is an asset. That we can financialize.


A Kingdom from Dust — The California Sunday Magazine
Meet the California Couple Who Uses More Water Than Every Home in Los Angeles Combined – Mother Jones
Water & Power: A California Heist

The fires

Callback to S01E01 where Dianne Fienstein turned away sunrise movement kids


The cause of the fires is not climate change or forest management.

The cause is our economic, political, and social system which is based on the lie that we can rob, kill, and consume without consequence.
Capitalism relies on a fiction that must not ever be question lest the true fragility of it be revealed— that we are eating our children’s bread, sucking away their air, and filling their world with refuse and waste.
Capitalism relies on a refusal to consider the harm and violence we do to others in order to maintain our lifestyle.
How can we be surprised that it would lead to this? It’s as if we have left a giant pile of all of gasoline-soaked rags out back and cannot understand how we burned our garage down.

This is why voting is so important. We must vote climate change out of office once and for all /s

Lying About Disasters Like the Pandemic to Avoid Panic Is a Big Mistake

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