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How was your brexit?
Uber, but for poops

Need a loo fast? Book a “mobile toilet” trailer on your smartphone:The Asahi Shimbun

Please stop writing longreads. I do not have the time to read them. Thank’s
It’s very simple, which is why I’ve made a 20-tweet thread to explain it

Pundits vs. BernieBros, or, Party Unity Only Goes One Way
Remember that this is the guy who recently got a photo of Goebbels published in the NYT because he got called a bedbug.`
Extremely “I’m not mad, you’re mad!” energy.
Pundits depend upon you trusting them, and this trust is usually based on some sense that they know something about what they’re talking about.
But they don’t.
Lack of self-awareness is rampant on Twitter, etc., and people take it entirely too seriously.

This is a class thing, I think

Difference between public & private
Demanding “civility” is just a way to stifle dissent, in the same way that the right calls for “law and order”.
Also, stop portraying Bernie’s support base as solely white and male. That tells more about you than it does about them.

You’ve seen it, or you’ve been shown it?

Remember that the media, whether consciously or unconsciously, is providing you a biased narrative.
They show you things that drive engagement and attention. Usually, this involves the most extreme examples (see nutpicking, S03:E02)
“The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.“ - George Orwell, 1984
Identity v. Class

Fred Hampton on Race & Class

You know a lot of people have hang-ups with the Party because the Party talks about a class struggle. And the people that have those hang-ups are opportunists, and cowards, and individualists and everything that’s anything but revolutionary. And they use these things as an excuse to justify and to alibi and to bonify their lack of participation in the real revolutionary struggle. So they say, “Well, I can’t dig the Panther Party because the Panthers they are engrossed with dealing with oppressor country radicals, or white people, or hunkies, or what have you. They said these are some of the excuses that I use to negate really why I am not in the struggle.”

We got a lot of answers for those people. First of all, we say primarily that the priority of this struggle is class. … It was one class–the oppressed–those other class–the oppressor. And it’s got to be a universal fact. Those that don’t admit to that are those that don’t want to get involved in a revolution, because they know that as long as they’re dealing with a race thing, they’ll never be involved in a revolution. …

When the Party started to talk about class struggle, we found that we had to start talking about some guns. If we never negated the fact that there was racism in America, but we said that when you, the by-product, what comes off of racism, that capitalism comes first and next is racism. That when they brought slaves over here, it was to take money. So first the idea came that we want to make money, then the slaves came in order to make that money. That means that capitalism had to, through historical fact, racism had to come from capitalism. It had to be capitalism first and racism was a by-product of that.

Anybody that doesn’t admit that is showing through their non-admittance and their non-participation in the struggle that all they are, are people who fail to make a commitment; and the only thing that they have going for them is the education that they receive in these institutions—education enough to teach them some alibis[.] ..

We’re talking about destroying the system, and they have hang-ups doing that because they’re constantly buying property within the system. And it’s kind of hard to burn up on Tuesday what you bought last Monday. Because they’re a bunch of unrepentant capitalists. They’ll never repent. And they know better. We try to make excuses for them—“Maybe they’ll have to go through stages, Fred.”

No, that’s not it. Because they’re much older than we are—I’m 21. We’re all young. So stages, they don went through them. Ron Karenga has more degrees than a thermometer. That’s right, he has more degrees than a thermometer and he continues to do what he’s doin’. And how do they fool you? Because they pick the leaders they want. And they put those people up there and portray them as being your leaders when, in fact, they’re leaders of nobody.

Fred Hampton, “It’s A Class Struggle Goddammit!”, November, 1969

Lingua Franca and the Rise of the Resistance Socialite - The Cut

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