Kari and her guest Garth Braithwaite talk all things food and being a grown-up: managing hangry-ness, marrying into food traditions, living with diabetes, LDS food guidelines, what we eat after our kids are in bed, and how to find a sushi mentor. Garth digs how Kari says “avocado.”

Kari and her guest Garth Braithwaite talk all things food and being a grown-up: managing hangry-ness, marrying into food traditions, living with diabetes, LDS food guidelines, what we eat after our kids are in bed, and how to find a sushi mentor. Garth digs how Kari says “avocado.”

America’s Test Kitchen - Recipes That Work, TV Show Episodes, Kitchen Equipment Reviews, Taste Tests, How to Cook and Cooking Videos

Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe - Food.com

ଅନିଲ on Twitter: “I feel fortunate living in the window after automated agriculture made meat affordable but before its impact is 100% ethically inexcusable.”

Food, Inc. (2008) - IMDb

Happy Feet (2006) - IMDb

The bait and switch of children’s movies.

The InkTober Initiative - Mr Jake Parker

Collaborative Design in the Open

Garth’s talk at Adobe Max

ConvergeRVA - October 10th 2014 - Richmond Virginia

Garth’s talk at Converge, “Designers Can Open Source”

[All Things Open
Garth Braithwaite]9

Garth is also talking at All Things Open

[Design Open

Garth’s project about designing in open source projects.

Open Source Design Is Now Design Open — Medium

[The Nightscout Project
We Are Not Waiting]12

An amazing volunteer-driven open source project for accessing data from blood sugar monitors.

nightscout on GitHub

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