This episode of Clockworks focuses on the source material. That’s right, we’re back to the comics, focusing on volume 3 of the 2014 X-Men series "X-Men Legacy: Legion."

This episode of Clockworks focuses on the source material. That’s right, we’re back to the comics, focusing on volume 3 of the 2014 X-Men series “X-Men Legacy: Legion.”

We talked about volume 1 last year, it was was Clockworks episode 23, and we talked about volume 2 two weeks ago in Clockworks episode 43.

X-Men Legacy: Legion Vol 3 is subtitled “Revenants,” it’s made up of issues 13-18, and you can find it here or by googling it.

Big thank you to patrons who made this episode happen! We’ll be back with our discussion of Vol 4 in two weeks!

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