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"My Poetical Side"
by Teyuna T. Darris

I just thought I'd unleash
My poetical side.
'Cause in everyday life,
I live to hide.
Need something of freedom:
From time to time
Need something of feeling:
To kiss my prime,
To hush my cries
To love my eyes.

I just thought I'd show
My virgin side:
All kids and maude---
The unaduletered tide.
See, I don't tend to fancy things:
Just those crystal, cloudless,
Truthly things.

But, since this long time,
I thought I'd hush my mawky,
Ad stick to truth:
Not fraud and lofty.

See feelings of rue
And silent ado.
This time, I'll refine:
My poetical side.

by Teyuna Trynea Darris
from "Stuff I Wrote from My Heart"

Follow @tdarris on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.