Rachel Jones talks to Dr Bruce Arroll about effective treatments for the common cold and how to avoid antibiotic prescriptions.


What to do when you have a cold

Take time off work or school.
Do not pass it on, cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.
Wash your hands regularly.
It may take up to a month for the cough to go away.
Your symptoms should be getting better with time.
See your doctor or go immediately to hospital if you feel very unwell or develop a rash.  Or call your GP practice - They will also have an after-hours call service who can advise you.
Get the influenza injection each year. You may be eligible for a free one.
Take regular paracetamol/ibuprofen.
Don’t spend money on expensive cough mixtures - most don’t work very well.l
Use Vicks on your chest and under your nose (there is evidence that this works in over 2-year-olds)- helps with cough particularly with children.
Use over the counter nasal sprays to clear up congestion.
Give honey (there is evidence that it works). 1 tsp for 1-5-year-olds (not for children under 1 year).
Avoid antibiotics they don’t work and cause side effects usually vomiting and diarrhoea.