My guest today is Dustin Dunbar, author and leader of the  Alcohol Free Revolution

In this episode:-

Alcoholism affected Dustins family; his grandfather and father both struggled with it.
Despite his early vow not to drink, Dustin began drinking as a teenager due to peer pressure.
He enjoyed a successful career in sales, real estate, and insurance.
Social drinking became part of his lifestyle, exacerbated by business and social environments promoting alcohol consumption.
Like with many of us Dustin’s alcohol use escalated gradually,
He recognized the negative impact of alcohol in his mid-thirties and quit drinking four years ago.
Like me he was Inspired by Annie Grace’s book "This Naked Mind," he began to see alcohol consumption as a form of unconscious behavior controlled by societal norms and marketing.
Dustin describes a crazy dream he had where he's on a gurney in a room filled with other people, all plugged into tubes pumping ethanol into them. He realizes he’s being controlled by Big Alcohol,
This dream leads him to conclude that society is trapped in an "alcohol matrix," where many people consume ethanol regularly, believing it to be normal and acceptable, despite its harmful effects.
I also love the expression Alcohol Matrix which I first discovered in the Unexpected Joy of being Sober by Catherine Gray – she has a whole chapter on how we need to unplug from the matrix… and its true
Unplugging can feel strange and lonely for a while but then it turns to a feeling of freedom…. And joy
Dustin founded the Alcohol Free Revolution, offering support, education, and community to those seeking to quit drinking.
The initiative includes coaches, therapists, and various experts to help individuals recover and lead alcohol-free lives.
He’s also written a book called You’re Doing Great… and other lies Alcohol old me – get his book and find out more about Dustin his website which is

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