Tribe Sober - inspiring an alcohol-free life!

Welcome to our second "Sober Short" - an interim mini podcast to supplement the weekly Tribe Sober podcast.

I’m going to kick off this series by taking you through our Tribe Sober Toolkit – this toolkit is just one of the things that we share with you during our regular Zoom workshops – click here for more info.

Our workshops have been a gamechanger for many people so if you want to kickstart your sober journey then sign up today

In this episode

Tool number two in our toolbox is exercise - we want you to Get Moving!
We all know is that exercise is “good for us” and many many people exercise daily but they also drink on a daily basis – sometimes excessively
We seem to have a lot of runners in our tribe – I always remember one lady telling me that she would wake up with a crashing hangover and then she’d force herself out for a run – often with tears running down her face as she felt so awful.
These days she is sober and she runs twice as fast and enjoys every moment!
There is a growing body of evidence about the benefits from regular exercise which we need to be doing all throughout our lives – not just when we are young.
Exercise also has a role to play for people in recovery
On episode  69 of the Tribe Sober podcast you can hear our Yoga Teacher Tamsin explaining how yoga can enable us to reconnect with our bodies in recovery – Tribe members have access to a daily yoga class with Tamsin which is a wonderful start to the day.
But apart from yoga we need a more general exercise regime so lets look at some of the benefits of exercise

Exercise will release endorphins which relieve stress/anxiety and give you a natural high – just the job in those early days of sobriety when you are feeling a bit flat without the buzz of alcohol
Exercise improves our body image and our mental health – in fact its an essential, unavoidable part of being in good physical and mental health
It also improves self-confidence and self-esteem and is a genuine reward for your body and mind — unlike alcohol, which is more like a punishment."
If we’ve been drinking for years then we will have deep neural pathways marking the habit we have developed – the trick is to replace this unhealthy habit with a healthy habit – and a daily exercise routine does the job perfectly
Stick at it for 66 days and you will have build a whole new neural pathway!
My daily habit for decades had been to open a bottle of wine at 6pm – when I quit drinking I simply put on my headphones at 6pm and went walking by the sea for an hour – – this not only got me through my “danger hour” but it helped me to build a new healthy habit
Now that I am nearly 7 years sober I still walk at 6pm every evening – not to avoid drinking but just because I love it and have built a new neural pathway –it just doesn’t feel right if I don’t do it!
We can feel a bit low in early sobriety and exercise will not only reduce your depression but it can give you a sense of purpose
Have a listen to Tribe Sober podcast number 55 where I talk to Dr Loretta Breuning who explains that we need projects when we are in recovery – working towards a project will trigger our happy brain chemicals and an exercise program fits the bill perfectly
Draw up targets and go a little further each time you run or walk for example – if you lift weights then gradually increase the weights
There is more and more evidence emerging that we must keep exercising as we get older – even if you don’t feel up to running these days then just get walking.  Get a Fitbit and make sure you hit that 10k target every single day.
We really have to use it or lose it!
If you are middle aged or older, leading a sedentary lifestyle and drinking alcohol then just do these two things and  you will transform your life

Ditch the Drink!
Exercise Daily!
If that sounds impossible then check out and we’ll get you started on this life changing journey!
At Tribe Sober our goal is to enable you not only to quit drinking but then to go on and actually THRIVE in your alcohol free life – and we cannot be healthy and thrive if we are not exercising regularly
So that’s your Sober Short for today – Our second Tool from our Sober Toolbox – Get Moving

If YOU’ve got a favourite tip that you’d like me to share on Sober Shorts then just email it to me [email protected] – or if you’d like to share your exercise routine with us we’d love to hear from you

And don’t forget to check out our weekly podcast – its full of recovery stories and expert advice– its called Tribe Sober and it comes out every Saturday morning.

More info

Subscription membership for Tribe Sober join up HERE
To access our website click HERE
If you would like a free copy of our "Annual Tracker" or our e-book "66 Days to Sobriety" please email [email protected]
If you would like to come to our Saturday afternoon Zoom Cafe as a guest and meet our community just email [email protected]

Episode Sponsor

          This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program.  If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up today
          Read more about our 7-step program and subscribe HERE

          Book a Chat with Sue to find out if our membership would help you - email her on [email protected]


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We release a podcast episode every Saturday morning and a Sober Short on Wednesdays

You can follow Tribe Sober on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram 

You can catch our FB live on Saturday mornings (11am SAST) and you can join our private Facebook group HERE

Thank you for listening! 

Till Next Week

Janet x


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3. Select the show under Shows (not under Episodes).

4. Scroll down past the first few episodes until you see Ratings & Reviews.

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