Tribe Sober - Your guide to alcohol-free living!

After running Tribe Sober for 5 years and helping hundreds of people to ditch the drink and embrace alcohol-free living I've learned a thing or two. My biggest insight has been that sharing our stories around alcohol is the most powerful way we can help others - that's why the heart of this podcast is recovery stories.

In this episode I interview Sue McLeod. A couple of years ago she contacted me offering her help. She had got sober with AA and liked the look of our approach. Sue helped me set up our Membership Program and has been invaluable helping me to develop it further.

In this Episode

Sue didn't really feel she had a problem with alcohol until March 2014 - when she started drinking every day
She could feel it getting worse so started putting "rules" in place - and then promptly broke them all!
Sue went to AA in 2016 because she didn't know where else to go - it worked for her
We agreed that "finding your tribe" is essential - we understand each other - almost impossible to do this alone
She never had a "rock bottom" but had a walking, talking blackout and an argument she couldn't even remember
Sue never went back to Day 1 - she felt that she had reached the point where she was "done" with alcohol
She prefers Tribe Sober's approach to AA as she doesn't agree with labelling herself as an "alcoholic"
She loves our tribe - and has discovered that ex-drinkers are really interesting people!
When she was younger Sue always felt she had to be "perfect" - now she is happy to be "good enough"
She agrees with our approach that we need to ditch the drink - and then create an alcohol free life that we love
Her main benefit of alcohol free life is that she feels "at peace" with life - she's not looking for anything anymore
We are both thrilled that people who have got sober with Tribe Sober are now helping the newbies via our Sober Buddy program
With annual subs at £30 for a Brit and $38 for US we are getting a lot of international members and connecting via Zoom

More info
To access our website click HERE and to read about subscription membership click HERE.

Episode Sponsor

This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program. If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up today. Read more about our 8-step program and subscribe HERE.

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Thank you for listening!

Till Next Week

Janet x