Tribe Sober - Your guide to alcohol-free living!

After running Tribe Sober for 5 years and helping hundreds of people to ditch the drink and embrace alcohol-free living I've learned a thing or two.  My biggest insight has been that sharing our stories around alcohol is the most powerful way we can help others - that's why the heart of this podcast is recovery stories.

In this episode I interview Vuyo.  She came along to a workshop a few years ago and has been a valuable member of our community ever since.  Vuyo has been an inspiration to so many.

In this Episode

Vuyo explains that she started to worry about her alcohol consumption about 5 years ago
She began to have a niggling feeling that all was not well - although she was functioning normally
It finally reached a point where there were just too many signals she could no longer ignore
Vuyo's health was suffering and her daughter was noticing
She tried to stop in 2017 - and failed - that's when she realised there was a problem
She came to a workshop with the idea that she could learn to handle her drinking - abstinence was just too frightening
After the workshop she committed to 100 sober days - but then decided she could have just one glass
That worked for a while but then she reverted to old ways - the decline was swift
Vuyo finally reached the point when she accepted that she would have to stop and is now approaching 2 years sober
She counted the milestones - the events she attended sober - the "Sober Firsts" - eventually she could enjoy those events!
She feels great - she feels like she can do anything she puts her mind to - she can cope with challenges that come her way
We agreed that Sobriety is a Superpower!

Useful Links

To access our website click HERE and to read about subscription membership click HERE.  You can find Vuyo's inspirational Goodbye to Alcohol letter HERE.

Episode Sponsor

This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program.  If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up today.  Read more about our 8-step program and subscribe HERE.

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We will release a podcast episode every Saturday morning.

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Thank you for listening! 

Till Next Week

Janet x