My guest this week is Tribe Member Jax - an educator who is passionate about her work and who has struggled with both alcohol dependence and burnout.  One of those rare people who only ever has one Day One Jax found Tribe Sober one week into her sobriety and she's been inspiring and motivating our members ever since!

In this episode

Jax was a late developer when it came to alcohol - coming from a non drinking family and mixing with a serious crowd who didn't drink alcohol was just not "on her radar" as she puts it
Things changed when she got to her late 30's/early 40's.  She found herself wanting an "extra glass" of champagne or wine when she was at a restaurant or a dinner party.
Her non drinking partner noticed and remarked that she got quite "animated" - even argumentative by the end of the evening
Then he came out with that line that so many of us are familiar with "why can't you have just one"
Like the rest of us Jax of course tried to have "just one" and in fact there would be a little dialogue going on in her head as she got ready to go out along the lines of "I must just have one tonight"
Like the rest of use that rarely worked out - I can still remember that sense of failure because I couldn't have "just one" or even "just three" in my case
Thats why you need a sober community - you need people that would never tell you to have "just one"
Join to learn to quit completely and then to go on and thrive in sobriety
A worrying development for Jax was that she wanted to drink during the week as her habit escalated from occasional to habitual
She began to love drinking alone which is a real red flag - moving from using alcohol to socialise to using alcohol to self medicate our stress
She was still in denial and would never acknowledge her hangovers which she would write off as a "bit of a headache"
As her career developed Jax found herself getting more and more responsibility - working 70 hour weeks
This workload was a major trigger for Jax as it left her no time to refresh and recharge with hobbies and personal development.
She fell victim to Burnout and her only respite seemed to be putting her feet up with a glass of wine
Completely exhausted she could no longer find any pleasure in anything
Jax withdrew from her partner and her friends, became isolated and drank more
She felt a mix of despair and despondency and knew she would need to quit drinking - she researched into the subject of alcohol dependence and found Tribe Sober 
She discovered the power of community and just what it meant to meet people who understood her - they had been in exactly the same situation
Jax didn't see her sobriety as a punishment, instead she saw it as an opportunity to change her life and to find herself again - a perfect mindset
As Jax so rightly said - if we go into sobriety feeling sorry for ourselves and being annoyed with others for drinking then we are setting ourselves up for failure
Day One of sobriety dawned and she never looked back - her first year of sobriety will be completed in December 2022
Jax set boundaries with her friends - she took them out individually to explain her plans and they offered their support
We agreed that it was best to be upfront with people and our tribe members often text their friends to explain they won't be drinking that evening
Her first month was difficult with detox symptoms and her PAWS lasted several months. 
PAWS can include anhedonia so if you suffer from this please listen to Tribe Sober podcasts episode 55 when Dr Loretta Breuning will explain how to keep your happy brain chemicals triggered 

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If you would like to come to our Saturday afternoon Zoom Cafe as a guest and meet our community, just email [email protected].

Episode Sponsor

This episode is sponsored by the Tribe Sober Membership Program.  If you want to change your relationship with alcohol then sign up today
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