The Spirit of God wants to make us more like Christ, but we must be willing allow Him to accomplish His Purpose in our lives.

In the previous passage, Paul had stressed the necessity of "putting on" the new man. If we continue to live like the old man, we cause the Spirit to be grieved… to be sad. How do we avoid grieving the Holy Spirit?
I. We stop lying and start telling the truth. (25)
II. We must not lose our temper, but be sure that our anger is righteous. (26-27)
III. We must stop stealing and be people of hard work & benevolence. (28)
IV. We must stop corrupt (rotten) speech and become people who build others up and give grace to them. (29)
V. We must be people who forgive. (31-32)

What we believe (our theology) must be lived out. What we are governs how we think; how we think determines how we act.
If we are new creations in Christ, we must actively nourish our lives through Bible Study, prayer, accountability relationships. We don't simply drift into a life of holiness. We are not to be passive, but are to "put away" our previous lifestyle and "put on" a lifestyle that is holy.

Good conduct is the result of good doctrine!! It is only when we realize who we are in Christ that we will desire to grow and be the person that we are called to be.