The Father's of Kraken have returned to give you Good (lol) tidings in the form of Hawkeye's new trailer, God of War maybe coming to PC, and all the awesome movies we want to see as cinematic pieces of ART!


00:02:41 - Intro

00:04:32 - Planner Work

Watch episode 49 on our Youtube to check out our rundown of last week's PlayStation Showcase!

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00:06:04 - Nolan Horn/Little Waves

00:24:27 - Hawkeye trailer drops!

00:31:12 - GeForce gets datamined

00:41:27 - Epic appeals judge's ruling in Apple case

Hands On:

00:47:31 - Start

00:48:19 - Devin (Kate/What We Do In The Shadows)

00:54:18 - Ernell (The Punisher/Lake)

Pitching Game to Movie and Movie to Game Adaptations:

00:59:42 - Start

01:23:38 - Schedule/End

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GK! -


Good Kraken! -  

Devin -

Ernell -

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