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Bought from sin by the blood of the lamb.A ultimate sacrifice paid for our sin's against Good or God.

I read and interpret the scrolls or scripture from the Tanahk or Hebrew bible.I interpret it in laymans terms

that are easily understood by everyone.The scriptures can sometimes seem defficult to understand for many.

Not understandable to a first time bible student.We have to have the blessings of Rauch Hakodesh or Holy

Spirit in order to understand the hidden meaning behind the Holy Scriptures.I have that blessing and is here

to do my masters Yeshua or Jesus Christ will to teach others the true meaning of the scriptures.Many have

been sent but so many have strayed to teaching man made doctrines to appeal to the audience .Also

to gather large churches for monetary purposes.Not here i am soley here for the benifit of the brothers and 

sisters who listen to me.For there spiritual developement.