Does the Physics of the Universe Do Away with God?  Of course not!  On part 2 of our conversation with David Wilkinson and Dave Hutchings, we explore further the implications of the late Dr. Hawking's engagement with the idea of God and what the implications are for a universe bereft its Creator. 

The late Dr. Stephen Hawking was a theoretical physicist whose pioneering work in black holes forever impacted the way we look at the universe. But what of the implications of his thoughts about God?   Ought we to assume Hawking's brilliance in trying to understand the cosmos is transferable when he speaks of God?  Have a listen and be encouraged. There has yet to be a scientist whose theories and ideas have come anywhere close to unseating the Lord Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords. The heavens are still declaring His glory! 

You can get their book God, Stephen Hawking, and the Multiverse from here:


More on Dr. Wilkinson


And the book: Let There Be Science, by David Hutchings and Tom McLeish