This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, guest Denise Páne and Karen Yankovich discuss navigating ADA compliance for business success.

Denise Páne is the CEO and Founder of Access Design Studio, the leading expert in ADA compliant accessible websites. A lifelong advocate of people with disabilities (starting with her own Special Olympian brother), Denise boasts over 20 years of business design expertise, with a special focus on making websites compelling and inviting for people of all abilities. Denise is an Accredited Accessibility Expert and a member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals and the World Wide Web Consortium.


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About the Episode:

In this episode, I have an insightful chat with Denise Páne, an industry expert on digital accessibility and ADA compliance. Our conversation is packed full of enlightening information about digital accessibility and its role in business today.

We kick off the conversation by diving into the world of digital accessibility and its profound impact on businesses. We examine the untapped audience that is waiting to be engaged with through ADA compliant websites. The potential for business growth here is something you won't want to miss. Plus, we touch on the significant legal repercussions of ignoring the guidelines set by the ADA - the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Next, we shift our focus to brand authenticity. I truly believe that in today's world, having a brand that aligns with your values is essential. It attracts like-minded consumers, resonating with their beliefs and fostering stronger connections. And guess what? LinkedIn has rolled out a fantastic new feature to help showcase your company values. We discuss how this tool can attract the best talent to your business.

Wrapping up our discussion, we delve into practical ways your business can achieve ADA compliance. We touch on tools, resources, and services that are available to help you navigate this process and become more accessible. Importantly, we also highlight some of the deceptive practices you should be aware of. As we look to the future, we predict ADA compliance becoming as ubiquitous as SEO in the digital realm.

As we wrap up this episode, remember that digital accessibility isn't just about enhancing user experience. It's about creating an inclusive digital space that embraces all users, which can lead to incredible business opportunities.


Episode Spotlights:

Where to find everything for this week’s episode:


Magical Quotes from the Episode:

"Everybody is welcome. In our, in our company that starts with probably their first impression of you, which is your website." "There's ROI on digital accessibility, it's a win-win for everybody." "The DOJ already has put out a statement saying every website needs to be addressing accessibility. In the next three to five years, you're going to hear it as commonly as you hear SEO."


Resources Mentioned In This Episode: Where you can find Denise Páne: Access Design Studio LinkedIn Facebook Instagram YouTube Sign up for the She’s LinkedUp Masterclass Join my free Facebook Group if you have any questions about today’s episode


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