This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen shares 5 myths about networking.

What are some of the myths you believe about networking? The sooner you bust those myths, the sooner you’ll be successful in your networking.


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About the Episode:

It’s a fact: men are usually better at networking than women. Why is that? As women, we’re natural relationship builders, yet we believe these 5 common myths about networking that hold us back.

Myth 1: networking is insincere and manipulative Myth 2: networking is only about politics and getting ahead Myth 3: networking is only done when you’ve done all your other work Myth 4: networking is about how many contacts you have Myth 5: networking is for introverts

Once you bust these networking myths, you’ll be able to network better! Listen in to this episode to learn why these myths are just myths.


Episode Spotlights:

Where to find everything for this week’s episode: Introducing this episode’s topic (1:47) Myth 1: networking is insincere and manipulative (3:50) Myth 2: networking is only about politics and getting ahead (4:39) Myth 3: networking is done when you’ve done all your other work (5:44) Myth 4: networking is about how many contacts you have (6:54) Myth 5: networking is for extroverts (8:17) Episode recap (8:59)


Resources Mentioned In This Episode: Sign up for the She’s LinkedUp Masterclass Join my free Facebook Group if you have any questions about today’s episode


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