This week’s episode of Good Girls Get Rich is brought to you by Uplevel Media CEO and LinkedIn expert, Karen Yankovich. In this episode, Karen talks about the importance of setting goals and striving after them.

Feel like you keep running around without actually accomplishing anything? It’s time to stop chasing the carrot.


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About the Episode:

Feel like you keep running around never achieving your goals? Feel like you’re chasing a carrot on a stick? It’s time to put an end to that.

In order to achieve your goals, it’s important that you first get clear on your goals. After you get clear on them, take a look at your LinkedIn profile. Does it convey the information it should convey to your ideal client? Lastly, imagine the process. What does helping your ideal client look like? Envisioning the process is extremely helpful in helping you achieve your goals.

Ready to stop chasing the carrot on the stick and finally eat it? Listen in to Episode 187 to learn how!


Episode Spotlights:

Where to find everything for this week’s episode: Introducing this episode’s topic (1:46) Get clear focus (3:08) Be clear on your ideal client (5:16) Get your big-ticket contract (5:56) Look at your LinkedIn profile (6:50) Imagine the process (8:51) Episode recap (14:20)


Resources Mentioned In This Episode: Sign up for the She’s LinkedUp Masterclass Join my free Facebook Group if you have any questions about today’s episode


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