Sarah Ireland is the CEO of One Girl, an Australian non-profit organization that harnesses the power of education to drive change for girls and their families in Sierra Leone and Uganda. 

We fell in love with Sarah’s story from questioning her ability to be a CEO to breaking her own glass ceilings and redefining what a CEO should be and thus paving the way to inspire females of all ages to never shay away from their dreams.

Who is Sarah Ireland, Anyway?

Sarah is currently the humanitarian representative on the Red Cross Australia Victorian International Humanitarian Law Advisory Committee. She has a Bachelor in Journalism, a Master of International Studies (Peace and Conflict Resolution) and is currently studying a Master of International Law. 

Sarah’s career began with Save The Children UK as a first-responder to the disaster zone in Myanmar following Cyclone Nargis. Since then, Sarah has built front-line experience over 10 years in humanitarian outreach and international aid.

After leading emergency responses in countries such as the Philippines, Iraq and in the Horn of Africa, Sarah shifted her focus to creating long-term sustainable change. Taking on a position as a Humanitarian Advocacy and Policy Adviser, Sarah has lobbied both Australian and overseas governments to increase foreign aid budgets and the intake of refugees and to prioritize women and girls in their overseas aid programs.

Connect with Sarah and OneGirl here:


Instagram @OneGirlOrg

Twitter @OneGirlOrg


Connect with Ashleigh and Verity here:

Facebook @goodgirlsdontpod

Email [email protected]

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Produced and Edited by Evoke Media