Previous Episode: A Vigorous Stream
Next Episode: A Modern Classic

The good news keeps rolling as Jarrod, Sean and Hollie battle the bad stuff with a hefty dose of happiness that's bound to make you smile.

This week we ooo and ahhh over Lego's new range of botanical models, Sean's worst fears are realised when birds start learning how to make tools and Australia reveals a brand new 'Big Thing'.

We're excited to add that this week's episode is sponsored by Emily Jones at 'Grab Life By The Pom-Poms' who makes woolen works of art for you to hang in your homes! Support Emily by following her on Instagram or making a purchase on her Etsy store, we've linked them up below. Thank you so much for supporting the show Emily, we really appreciate it!

If you've encountered some good news this week, or you'd be interested in sponsoring an episode of the show, we'd love to hear from you, drop us an email [email protected] or by join our Facebook group. Just search Good For A Change and look for the group with the banana in the logo!

You can help us grow by subscribing and sharing our podcast with a friend or two, and we love to read a good review, so feel free to drop us one on the Apple Podcast store.

Thanks for listening, we hope you have a great day!

Support this episode's sponsor Grab Life By The Pom-Poms
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