Impact of the Pandemic on the Hospitality Industry – in this episode we speak to Sacha Lord, Nightime Economy Advisor for Greater Manchester. We look at the hospitality sector, how it has been affected by continued lockdowns, and how we can build back better with this industry at the forefront.

Listen for Chatter about Sacha Lord’s first experience of employment, his belief that hospitality is integral to the country building back after Covid-19, and what hospitality industries need to do to keep Good Employment practices at the forefront of future decision making.

Subscribe to stay up to date with all the latest episodes, where we’ll be talking to more key figures across Greater Manchester. Together we can make work better.


(1:00) What was your first job? What did it teach you about employment?

(4:47) What lessons did you learn from your early experiences, that have taken you on in your career?

(8:15) How will hospitality help the UK build back better?

(13:18) What role will ‘Good Employment’ in the hospitality sector play in building back better?

(16:20) Is Good Employment going to become a factor in where people decide to eat and drink?

(21:48) How do you look after your own mental health at this time?

Selected Links from the Episode:

The Good Employment Charter Website,

The Charter Mailing List (for latest updates, including event invitations), 

Connect with Sacha Lord: @Sacha_Lord

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