This week Scott welcomes the guys from Truth to Power to Good Company.

This hardcore band describes themselves as "Anti-establishment-Anti-religious minded -Anti-BS-Anti-slavery through whatever means they’re using these days. Anti-woke-Anti-authoritarian-Anti-passive lifestyle that’s force fed to us through peace without bloodshed."

In this discussion Scott talks to the band about their origin, influences, and much more. They describe their outside the box mix of hardcore and thrash music that sets them apart from others.

Topics/bands discussed in this chat include Green Day, earlier bands, 80's metal, songwriting processes, the awesome video for 'Omega,' their upcoming documentary, next single, band photos, rock battle jackets, Motorhead, Stryper, vocal care, upcoming shows, and much more!

We hope you enjoy Scott's talk with Truth to Power and SHARE with a friend!