What was the first SMS sent in Japan?  Well, you can find out here.

As part of our series, talking with key players in the development of the SMS Industry, we have a fun and insightful podcast with Paul Rogers who pioneered the development of the Asian Market for Logica Aldiscon.

 Paul tells us some great stories about the learning and the doing that made the company so successful in Asia.  He talks about the team effort and the enthusiasm of the people who went to all parts of Asia and also all the local employees across the region who made such a difference.

Some of these stories are funny, some are darker, but all are about building trust with Customers across the region.

Finally, Paul finishes on a personal story about music and plays out with a great, if little, known piece that means something to him.

Check out the great image on the Show Card.

Music Credits:  Morricone, Hinterland and John Flynn


This Podcast is sponsored by Nettzer – Digital First Selling  - www.nettzer.com 

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