We’re delighted to talk with Chris Horn, Entrepreneur, Investor and Academic about a surprising topic -  Ireland’s early, and relatively unknown, Computer Pioneer,  Percy Ludgate

As you will hear Ludgate proposed a Computer Design in 1909.  Chris explains how the machine was designed and how it compared to the better known and earlier Babbage Design.

Ludgate died (at just 39) on 16th October 1922 – so the 100th anniversary of his death is this month.

We finish with a good talk about Chris’s eclectic taste in music and play out with a very surprising piece.

You’ll enjoy this lively and interesting podcast.

Here are links to the material discussed:

 Ludgate book:  https://www.amazon.com/Percy-Ludgate-1883-1922-Irelands-Computer/dp/1911566296/ref=sr_1_1?crid=212UNM3UNWG6D&keywords=ludgate+percy&qid=1664793117&sprefix=ludgate+percuy%2Caps%2C156&sr=8-1

 The Hu,  Black Thunder Part 1:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aguZjkVLaE


This Podcast is sponsored by Nettzer – Digital First Selling  - www.nettzer.com 

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